Thursday, March 4, 2010

We are ALL Children of God

Can't believe its already the first of March! The time does not slow down! Back when I was with Elder Jensen, he told me that once you hit your year mark, the clock starts tickin' like a madman and the time just picks up more and more speed. He was right. I'm starting to realize what Elder Whitsitt said before he went home... "Two years is not enough."
But hey, I still got a while and a lot of work to do, so lets just stop daydreaming about the time that will be spent and start worrying about how we're going to spend it, shall we?
Herr Hardtbauer is making good progress. He read through the church's addiction recovery program that Brother Reisinger gave him and was really excited about it. He came to church on Sunday and Brother Reisinger talked about it a little more with him and offered to go through the program with him. Its always great to see members reaching out and helping investigators. We also had him over at the Zacherl's after church yesterday, where Brother Zacherl took the opportunity to do a lot of teaching during our spiritual thought.
Haven't been able to reach Tomas for a whole week. It seems that the adversary is fully aware of the great potential of this great young man and is still working hard on him. As worried as I am, i know that your prayers in his behalf are working. we'll be able to reach him and continue to lead him to baptism.
Monika is doing very well as always. Its always great to teach her and feel the great spirit that is in her home. Just by being around her one can feel that the atonement of Jesus Christ has changed her life.
This week we had zone conference, always one of my favorite parts of a transfer. Its always great to gather together as missionaries, enjoy each others company, catch up with old buddies, and strengthen each other for the days ahead. My ole comp and buddy Elder Erekson, now the new Assistant to the President, gave a great leadership training workshop on "potential." He reminded me of something that I think we all often forget, and that is the simple fact that we are children of God. He first talked about limitations that we impose upon ourselves, such as rationalization, self-condemnation, and of course, pride, and said that all of these things, these self-limitations, can disappear if we just remember our potential as children of God a little more. I know that I personally need to remember that a lot more. For the past few weeks I've felt that I've been plateauing a little in my personal and spiritual progression. Guess I just need to remember that I AM a son of God, with the potential, and the help of his son Jesus Christ, not only to become as he some day, but to bring souls unto him right now!
Thanks for your prayers, and your love. I feel it every day! Hope you all know that I love you and pray for you always. Take care and have a great week! Chao!
