Saturday, January 31, 2009

Unselfish Desire to SERVE

Notes from Elder Andersen
January 29, 2009

When you let Christ enter your life, you make yourself humble enough to submit to his will. That's something I learned during my first week in the MTC. Many of us think we have things figured out, but we must submit our will to the Lord if we truly want him to be in our lives.

Things are really starting to go well for me here. The work is tough, but if it wasn't I would be doing something wrong. Right? Of course right! (Fiddler on the Roof reference). My companion and I still struggle a little with each other but we talk it out and we're both trying to get along. We are starting to teach and plan really well together. Don't worry about me, I'm where I'm supposed to be and I know that you're being blessed and that makes me so happy!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life's Lessons Begin - January 22, 2009

Guten Tag! Well it's Thursday and I've officially made it through my first week at the MTC! Things were tough at first but now I feel a constant happiness, no matter how tough things get or how homesick I get. Those feelings still come but I cope, focus on the work and its all ok. Mom the lord has definately answered your prayers. Every night I feel you praying for me and I can feel your arms around me. Now that I have some time, let me tell you some of my favorite experiences I've had so far. On the second or third day, the sisters in my district were really feeling sick and we had the opportunity of giving them a blessing. Sister Price asked for me and Elder Walking Eagle to bless her. Elder Walking Eagle (by the way Walking Eagle is actually just his last name. His first name is Shane) annointed her and I gave her a blessing. I've given a couple blessings before but the spirit is so strong here that this one was really special. I could literally feel my heavenly father speaking through me. I know the sisters were grateful but I was especially grateful to them for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.On Tuesday we taught our first lesson in the T.E. which is a program where you preach to people posing as investigators. I was really nervous and discouraged about it all day and it really had me down. During Gym I was at the height of my anxiety and some random Elder came up and talked to me and we got talking about movies and some of my favorite actors. It really calmed me down and I quickly realized that that Elder was an answer to my prayers. It taught me to make sure and be kind and social with everyone just in case their day isn't going well. When it came time to teach our lesson, all my fears were put to rest as the Lord stepped in and empowered us. We ended up teaching a very good and thorough lesson. There's always room to improve but for our first lesson I'd say it was pretty darn good.

A Mother's NOTE: Thanks for the good examples and unselfish acts of kindness people show each day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Here is most of our first hand-written-in-the-mail letter (in Andy's exact words). Andy has enjoyable voice in his writing, it wouldn't be the same to paraphrase. Enjoy...

Dear Fam,
Aloha! Or I guess I should say gutenhaben! It is now 10:05 p.m. and my first day at the MTC is almost over. In all honesty, I'm Trippin' a little right now but I know that this will pass and that the Lord is with me. Thank you so much for helping me leave over the past 5 weeks. Its been a crazy ride but I think we pulled it all off with flying colors! My gratitude especially goes out to you mom. Without your Faith and amazing organization skills we never would've made it.
Dad, thanks for your amazing example to me as a husband, father, and all around top-notch guy! While I have many heroes that are writers, actors, filmmakers, and historical figures, you are my only hero as simply a man. I hope on my mission I will be able to have the same traits that make you such a christ-like person. Mom, I'm almost scared to write at this moment because I don't want to cry in front of my companion over the overwhelming love I feel for you. I know I don't always show it, but I love you and love being around you so much that right now I'm kinda missing you the most. Thank you for being such an amazing mother and for showering me with love all these years. I can feel your love and even can feel your arms around me at this very moment. And right now I hope you feel the hugs and kisses I'm sending your way. Well today was fun, exciting, horrifying and uplifting all at the same time! My companion's name is Elder Walking Eagle. He's Native American and seems like a way cool Guy. Keep being the Amazing people you are and don't miss me too much! Buy the ticket, take the ride!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Our family would be ungrateful if we didn't thank all those who have sent us sweet messages of love and support about our Dear Elder Andersen! We are so grateful for all the help in raising our son! We could have never done it alone. What awesome family, friends, neighbors and YM leaders we have had throughout our lives as parents. This BLOG is for YOU!

May the LORD BLESS YOU ALL for your unselfish service!

Friday, January 16, 2009

And so the journey Begins...

And so the Journey begins from Heavenly Home, to Earthly Home and then to the Service of the Lord...

What a wonderful and glorious experience to share a child with the Lord! Mixed, but good, emotions. I will be forever grateful for the refinement of Andrew as he learns to become a representative of Christ. What an awesome and great privilege and what more could a mother truly wish for.