Monday, April 19, 2010

April 12, 2010

Glad to hear you all had a good spring break. Hope the weather is getting better there. Here the weather has been pretty darn good but the past couple days have been pretty gloomy. That's just kinda how it is in Germany in April though. Next month will for sure be the real start of summer. Lookin' forward to it.
Had a decent week here in Nuremberg, and a great birthday. Nothing special, just a zone conference. Zone conferences are always great though. I always love coming together with all the other missionaries and getting a chance to see some old buddies. Elder Anderson and Elder Jensen (Two of my main bros whom I worked with in Erlangen) are now working together in Coburg. It was great to see both of them and talk about the good times we had together in my old favorite area.
Me and Sanchez are getting along really well. I'm not working as hard as I'm used to, but I'm pretty sure that the best thing I can do right now is to go with the flow and just try and be a friend to him. Anything else just wouldn't work. In any case though, he's a really good guy with an awesome testimony and great knowledge of the gospel. He's also a great, straight-forward teacher, which I really respect.
Its cool living with Elder Bailey and Elder Waldvogel. They're both fun to live with and are great missionaries whom I can learn a lot from. We've already had quite a few good times together. We actually had a bit of an adventure last night when Elder Bailey cut himself on a hinge of an old book shelf last night. It was a clean, but really deep cut and we all went with him to the hospital with a member last night at about 11 pm. Within a half hour he was sowed up and good to go, and we went back home. It was really funny to see Elder Waldvogel get all giddy and excited about the whole situation (he's studying to be a doctor, so he's one of "those guys"). Elder Sanchez was totally chill about the whole situation, as he is in all situations, and I went into Woody Allen mode and started freaking out about it all, half joking half not.
On Saturday night we had a baptism in our ward of an investigator who just moved here from Ansbach. He was also confirmed yesterday. He's a young guy, 24, whom Elder Sanchez and I plan to visit him frequently to make this a smooth transition for him and help him to feel as comfortable as possible. He'll also be a great tool in the lord's hands for the missionary work here in Nürnberg.
I was sad to hear about Uncle Don's passing. I always enjoyed being in his company. I know that he is having a great reunion with grandma Wanda and grandpa Karl on the other side. It is a great blessing in times like this to have a knowledge of our heavenly fathers plan of happiness.
I'm hopin' we can get some good work done this week. We have a lot of less actives in our area and I think we can do good work with them. I still miss Landshut but I'm really excited to be here as well. Love you all and pray for you always. Till next time...


April 6, 2010

Hope you weren't worried that you wouldn't be getting an email this week. Yesterday was a big German holiday so we had p-day today instead.
Once again, I've survived transfers and am settling in in my new area. I spent most of my mission thus far in the Nürnberg Zone (Schweinfurt, Erlangen) and working in Nürnberg has almost felt like coming home. My new comp., Elder Sanchez, is a good guy. He's got four months left and really wants out of Nürnberg. He's kind of got a bad rap in this mission for being what we refer to here as a "schwarz" missionary, but I like him a lot and am focusing on being his friend and recognizing his positive traits. Its hard not too be working as hard as I have been, but I'm just trying my best to do my part and have faith that success will come from that.
It's my first time living in a four man, and as you could probably imagine, I'm havin' a blast. We live with the Zone Leaders, both awesome guys. Elder Bailey was my last district leader and is a total stud. He actually is a pro ski jumper and would have been in the Vancouver Olympics, but he came on his mission instead. Elder Waldvogel is also really cool. He's a big family guy fan so we've bonded by quoting it.
Not a ton has happened here thus far, but I did meet Joe, an investigator here with a baptismal date. He's a really cool guy and I guess has made a lot of changes. We'll be meeting with him tonight and committing him to come to church regularly.
What an amazing General Conference we had this past weekend! I'm so grateful for the knowledge that we have prophets, seers, and revelators again on the earth today. Both of President Uchtdorf's talks were my favorite this time. One thing he said in his Sunday morning talk sticks out most in my mind: "Without a love for God, and our fellow men, our church is only the form without the substance." That is a true principle, one that I have come to know and love very well on my mission. It is my hope and prayer that over the next year I can continue to develop my love for God, and for the people here, for it is through love unfeigned that I will be able to successfully bring people unto Christ.
Wish you all a great week. You're in my prayers as always!

Alles Gute!


March 29, 2010

I guess its just too much of a crime in this mission to work in an area you love, with a companion you love, with people you love. Just when I thought it was unthinkable that I would be transferred, the call came on Sunday that I would be leaving Landshut and going to Nürnberg. For four months I've been working with these people and the success in this area has really started to take off in the past month, and I feel as though I've been plucked out of here just when I was really about to see the fruits of my labors. To make matters more foreboding, If I'm in Nürnberg for more than one transfer all be absorbed into the Frankfurt mission. It seems that the Lord knows me all to well, and knows the best way to really test my faith.
It does do me a lot of good, however, to say that I've left every area better than I found it, and Lanshut is no different. This past week has been our most successful week yet. Br. Hardtbauer is doing very well and WILL reach his baptismal date. Our last appointment with him was tough, but very spiritual. He lacks the faith in himself that he can be done with alcohol in time for his baptism, but his testimony and inner strength has blossomed since the first time I met with him.
Monika is doing great. She and Mario will be getting married next week, and in a couple more weeks she will be baptized. As hard as it is for me to know that I won't be here for her baptism, I'll never forget her and her example to me as one who truly came unto Christ and allowed him to change her life. She's well on her way to eternal life and will always be in my prayers.
For the past couple weeks we've had some really interesting experiences with finding new investigators. Last week we were walking home along the river at the end of the day and ran into a young guy, drunk as a skunk, trying to call his friends to come pick him up. Problem was, he had fallen and broke the buttons off his phone. Elder Ray and I decided that we couldn't just leave him alone the way he was and did our best to walk him home as quickly as we could. Once we reached his apartment we found out that it wasn't even his apartment at all. We had to leave him there but found out where he lived and went by his place last week. It was almost strange to see him not drunk and crazy the second time, but also a relief to actually meet him and find out that he was a really nice guy. One of his roommates thanked us over and over again for finding him the week before. "Any other person would have just left him there," She said, "Thank you so much. It's amazing to me that you would help him." We made an appointment out to come back this week and share our message with him. I'm excited to hear about what becomes of him in the near future.
We had another great finding experience this past week. After contacting a potential investigator in Kumhausen, we decided to door a building by the bus stop before we left back to Landshut. We doored into a nice lady who let us in and proceeded to tell us how she had become converted to Christ after seeing him very vividly in a dream. She even had a framed Simon Dewey painting of Christ on her wall. We had a great and very spiritual first lesson with her and made an appointment out at the end.
Hr. Reichl, our other new investigator, has really enjoyed the book of Mormon and is now thinking about a baptismal date. He's a very humble man and has shown me how humility is key to feeling the power of the holy ghost.
My time in Landshut has been arguably the toughest time of my mission, and also in a sense the greatest. I've learned so much and grown more in a short period of time than I ever have in my life before. As huge of a bummer as it is to be leaving, I know that the Lord is in it, as always, and that I have some important work to do in Nürnberg. Till next Week...


March 22, 2010

What a great week its been for us and for the people of Landshut. The work here is still on the up and up and I feel the Lord's love for these people, and for me, now more than ever.
After what has seemed like eternity of waiting for the time to be right, we've finally set a baptismal date with Monika Hein! She and Mario will be married on the 7th of April, then she will be baptized on the 25th. Its been such a great blessing to be able to teach Monika, and witness her conversion. She's been a great example to me of someone who has accepted Christs sacrifice for her and allowed the atonement to purify her and change her life. But as it always goes, once you set a baptismal date with someone, Satan kicks into high gear and works twice as hard on 'em. As much as it gives me the incentive to work twice as hard and remain worthy of the spirit, I'm not worried at all about Monika. The spirit is so strong with her right now that there's nothing that can stop her.
Herr Hardtbauer is doing as well as can be expected. Still struggling with Alcohol, but he came to all three meetings of church this Sunday, which was a big step for him.
We had some great experiences this week with finding. On Wednesday we met with a man in Freising (a little town in our area right between Landshut and Munich) who had been referred to us from some other Elder's who had somehow wondered into our area and found him for us. His name is Nasif Tschabi, a Muslim from Africa. He was very open and enjoyed what we had to say quite a bit. When we explained what we understand as the role of Jesus Christ and his atonement, specifically that we must do all that we can do be saved by his grace, he said that it was the first time that it made sense to him. "I've asked a lot of Christian leaders, teachers, and priests," he said, "and I never found an answer as good as the answer you just gave me." Our meeting with him strengthened my testimony that we do have the FULLNESS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that our doctrine IS his doctrine.
Back in Erlangen I developed a great love for the young people here in Germany. It was a great blessing for me to get to know so many of my generation with such strong faith and moral values. Here in Landshut I haven't really had a lot of interaction with people my own age, but on Thursday, on the train back from Landau after an appointment with Monika, we had a wonderful conversation with a girl who was on her way to Munich. After talking to her for about 15 minutes we asked her about her beliefs and she told us that she believed in the Bible and in Jesus Christ. We taught her about the restoration and about the Book of Mormon and she was more open and accepting of what we taught than anyone I've seen in a long time. She gladly took a Book of Mormon and said she would read it and pray about it. Its always great to see the rising generation come unto Christ.
Transfer calls will be this Sunday. As always, If I'm transferred I will know that it is the Lord's will...but man oh man It'll be hard! Eh, guess will see soon enough. Hope you all have a great week. Take care!


March 15, 2010

As always, the week had its ups and downs. We didn't have a lot of lessons, but success came in other forms.
We weren't able to really teach Herr Hardtbauer this week, but we were able to have some contact with him through the ward. We had a "Männerabend" (Man's Night) on wednesday evening. A bunch of the guys from the ward went out for all you can eat Ribs at this pizza place by our apartment. Bruder Dengg brought Herr Hardtbauer and he had a great time. Anyone who has served a mission will agree with me when I say that the key to success with investigators is through the members!
Even better news from Wednesday night...we finally found Tomas!! We went by his place twice during the day and decided to try one more time before we headed over to the Pizza Stube. He didn't answer before we left but was there and saw us out the window. A ran after us for a couple of blocks until he finally caught up to us and asked for a new appointment right away. We also just barely ran into him this morning and should be meeting with him tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers in his behalf! It was on his time, but the Lord has answered them. With in no time we'll be preparing him to enter the waters of baptism.
Also found two new investigators this week. One's name is Herr Reichl. He lives alone and has lots of health and depression problems. In short, he needs the gospel as much as just about anybody. I'm really grateful that the Lord has sent us to someone who really needs his help.
As the time on my mission is winding down (I still have a long way to go, but once you've been on the mission for over a year, ten months doesn't seem that long at all), and as it does I find myself puttering out and losing focus at times. But Its the fact that I'm in an area with so many prepared people, and the fear of reaching the end without doing enough, that keeps me going. I hope that over the next week I can once again whip myself back into shape and lose myself in the work. After all, I know from experience that that is when a missionary is the happiest and brings forth the most good works.

Take care all!


March 8, 2010

Unfortunately, just as the weather was getting better, it froze over again. We're in Munich today for a district P-Day and it's freezing cold. I guess we'll just have to have a good time anyway.

The past week was a pretty successful one. We had some great appointments and helped some great people come closer to Christ. Had a great appointment with Monika this week. Pres. Auras came with us and did a great job at helping us explain the priesthood auxiliaries (couldn't think of the word in English for a second there...that happens a lot the longer you are on your mission...I forget so many English words all the time. My grammar is all over the place as well. Guess that's a good sign). Anyway, afterwords we went by a less active member from Brazil who had been gone for about a month and a half. She's a great Lady and wants to come to church, but I think its hard for her to speak up because her husband is not a member. They're both great people though, and as we shared a spiritual thought with them about the restoration the spirit was very strong. I hope her husband took some time to think about what he felt when we were there, because I know he felt something.

Herr Hardtbauer is doing very well. When we met with him last he told us that he had gone a whole week without alcohol. Its been really great to see his progress. We emphasized to him last time that we want to keep better track of his progress so that he can see his own progress more and motivate himself better to keep going. I'm really excited for Herr Hardtbauer's near future and can't wait to see him baptized.

Still not been able to reach Tomas. Its insane how once you set a baptismal date with someone, everything just goes crazy. Just a testimony builder to me that baptism in the restored church of Christ is the first step to eternal life. Satan knows that and does everything he can to stop these wonderful people from entering the waters of baptism. But no matter. The only thing we can do now is keep doing our best to find him, and then wait for the Lord to take care of the rest.

Hope Spring comes to you all ASAP. I know I'M sure getting sick of the cold. Take care and enjoy life!
