Monday, April 19, 2010

March 15, 2010

As always, the week had its ups and downs. We didn't have a lot of lessons, but success came in other forms.
We weren't able to really teach Herr Hardtbauer this week, but we were able to have some contact with him through the ward. We had a "Männerabend" (Man's Night) on wednesday evening. A bunch of the guys from the ward went out for all you can eat Ribs at this pizza place by our apartment. Bruder Dengg brought Herr Hardtbauer and he had a great time. Anyone who has served a mission will agree with me when I say that the key to success with investigators is through the members!
Even better news from Wednesday night...we finally found Tomas!! We went by his place twice during the day and decided to try one more time before we headed over to the Pizza Stube. He didn't answer before we left but was there and saw us out the window. A ran after us for a couple of blocks until he finally caught up to us and asked for a new appointment right away. We also just barely ran into him this morning and should be meeting with him tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers in his behalf! It was on his time, but the Lord has answered them. With in no time we'll be preparing him to enter the waters of baptism.
Also found two new investigators this week. One's name is Herr Reichl. He lives alone and has lots of health and depression problems. In short, he needs the gospel as much as just about anybody. I'm really grateful that the Lord has sent us to someone who really needs his help.
As the time on my mission is winding down (I still have a long way to go, but once you've been on the mission for over a year, ten months doesn't seem that long at all), and as it does I find myself puttering out and losing focus at times. But Its the fact that I'm in an area with so many prepared people, and the fear of reaching the end without doing enough, that keeps me going. I hope that over the next week I can once again whip myself back into shape and lose myself in the work. After all, I know from experience that that is when a missionary is the happiest and brings forth the most good works.

Take care all!


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