Monday, December 21, 2009

Surprised to feel Nothing but Peace

We're in Munich for district p-day and I only have about fifteen minutes before I gotta skidaddle.
Was a slightly disappointing week for us in Landshut. The Christmas season is a wonderful time of reflection and spiritual growth on the mission, but it really slows down the work here in Germany. Unfortunately, as it usually is once a baptismal date is set with someone, the adversary has been working really hard on Surin and David. All of our appointments with them fell out this week and Surin is losing interest. This coming week we'll still be doing our best to bring them the gospel. We'll especially be working really hard with David because we know that HE has really felt the spirit testify that what we say is true. He even told us so.
There was one big glorious highlight of the week however. We had an amazing appointment with Tomas at the Klemm's home. They're a great young couple in our ward, and Br. Klemm really befriended Tomas and gave powerful testimony of the gospel. His cousin, a fresh R.M., was also there and really helped us out with his special R.M. spirit. I think it was really great for Tomas to see normal, for lack of a better term "chill" people who live and love the gospel. We watched the "joy to the world" DVD with him and he got teared up a couple times as the Tabernacle Choir sang those beautiful Christmas hymns. Br. Kelmm invited him to church and was ready to pick him up on Sunday, but unfortunately we couldn't get a hold of him. Was a little disappointing after such a great appointment, but I'm still full of hope and excitement for the guy. In the midst of our disappointments we must never forget our successes, because they are what makes it all so great.
Last night as I tallied up our low numbers, I was surprised to feel nothing but peace. I knew that I had given my best and the Lord was pleased with my work. As Elder Texiera of the seventy told us in Mission Tour, its a matter of faith! All I can do is continue doing my best and turn the rest over to the Lord.

Hope this Christmas is a great one for you all. I'm excited to spend some quality time with the members, enjoy the great cultural experience of Christmas in Germany, and even more excited to use this time to find people.

Merry Christmas every one!


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