Saturday, March 7, 2009

Life in the MTC - Feb 1, 2009

Elder Andersen's District
Elders Zenger, Andersen and Richardson
Elder Andersen at the Temple

I can't believe I haven't told you about my teachers yet! They're both amazing guys and we love 'em to death. Brother Capps has been working at the MTC for a couple years now. He has been back from his mission a couple of years. He is seriously like the coolest Nerd I've ever known (besides Daniel [Wilcox] of course). And get this, he never dry cleaned his suits through out his WHOLE mission. Isn't that hilarious. Brother Turville is our other teacher. He just got back from the mission in August and he is a stud! He jokes a lot in the classroom which really keeps spirits up and helps me learn a lot better.

I can't believe That I only have two weeks left. Then I'm off to Germany! I'm super excited, but I'm starting to realize how unprepared I am and how I really need to kick it in to 5th gear these last two weeks. I've seen too many missionaries who have given up the last two weeks in the MTC and slacked off. I really don't want that to be me so I guess I just need to pray for strength and for the spirit to be with me.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I am so glad to hear he is doing so well.