Monday, April 13, 2009

The joy I got from doing the lords work surpasses any birthday

Hallo Familie,

It is 12:30 on Easter Monday. The town is dead. Everything is closed, which is kind of annoying because we can't do any shopping or run any errands, but its also very peaceful.
Spring has arrived in full force. The weather is perfect. The sun is always shining. I'm so grateful to be in an area where I can drive through the beautiful Bavarian countryside (it really looks just like the sound of music). And I can't believe how green it is here! You seriously have never seen rolling hills this fetchin' green! (oh man I'm starting to use fetch a lot now. I'm definitely a missionary now).
I'm happy to report that this birthday was one of the best of my life. I usually hate birthdays. So much hype and attention over a day that is just like any other. And you can't help but get your expectations up, and the day never matches your expectations. So what made this birthday so great was the fact that I had no expectations except to go out and do the work. And the day ended up being pretty successful. We got a new investigator! What a great birthday present eh? His name is Beudros Essin, a turk who owns (at least i think he owns it) a bistro in Neugablonz He seems pretty open and I'm excited to teach him.

We also found some minor successes going Door to Door that day. We were able to give out some pass along cards, and a couple people told us to come back. Its amazing how the joy I got from doing the lords work surpasses any birthday present I've ever had.
I was able to do something for myself as well on my birthday however. When we returned home that evening, Hartmann and I ordered some pizza, Ice cream, and I ordered myself a nice big coke! I also got a happy birthday song from Sister Condie and a happy birthday song over the phone form Elder Kubik and Elder Sanchez, so that was nice too.
Another special opportunity I had on my birthday was to be able to ponder on the progress I've made since my last birthday. I thought about who I was a year ago. I was having a hard time believing in anything. And now I'm here, on a mission. As I thought about these things I thanked my heavenly father for knocking me into shape, and I thanked my savior for picking me up during those times and leading me to this wonderful place I am in now, in his presence, being a part of his work.
Next Sunday Herr Labuda is getting baptized! I'm really blessed to be able to see a convert baptism this early in my mission I think, because It really helps me to realize that despite the tidal wave of rejection we get every day, that people do accept the gospel!

Hope all is well with you all and that you had a happy Easter. Take care and thanks for your prayers!



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